Results for 'S. E. Young'

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  1.  34
    China's Wartime Finance and Inflation, 1937-1945.E. H. S. & Arthur N. Young - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (4):609.
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  2. Foucault's Dog.Katherine E. Young - 2016 - In Judith Grant & Vincent Jungkunz (eds.), Political theory and the animal/human relationship. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Paris, BNF, Ms. lat. 14726: Peter of Bar, Stephen Berout and Master G. A New Witness to William of Auxerre?S. E. Young - 2008 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 50:53-82.
  4. Introducing the Oxford Vocal (OxVoc) Sounds database: a validated set of non-acted affective sounds from human infants, adults, and domestic animals.Christine E. Parsons, Katherine S. Young, Michelle G. Craske, Alan L. Stein & Morten L. Kringelbach - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:92322.
    Sound moves us. Nowhere is this more apparent than in our responses to genuine emotional vocalizations, be they heartfelt distress cries or raucous laughter. Here, we present perceptual ratings and a description of a freely available, large database of natural affective vocal sounds from human infants, adults and domestic animals, the Oxford Vocal (OxVoc) Sounds database. This database consists of 173 non-verbal sounds expressing a range of happy, sad, and neutral emotional states. Ratings are presented for the sounds on a (...)
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  5. The Farmer, the Tyrant, and the Quiet Man: Tacitus’ Agricola as Exoteric Literature.Carl E. Young - 2025 - Polis 42 (1):74-97.
    The article argues for a Straussian interpretation of Tacitus’ Agricola by showing that Tacitus’ explicit praise of the life of Agricola and criticism of the Stoic martyrs are undermined by his implicit comparisons to other lives within the text and by his allusions to other works of Socratic political philosophy, especially Xenophon’s. The popular teaching of the Agricola is that Agricola’s policy of political quietism is the best way of life for an ambitious young Roman living under a tyrannical (...)
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    The Reciprocal Relationships Between Escalation, Anger, and Confidence in Investment Decisions Over Time.Alexander T. Jackson, Satoris S. Howes, Edgar E. Kausel, Michael E. Young & Megan E. Loftis - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:356096.
    Research on escalation of commitment has predominantly been studied in the context of a single decision without consideration for the psychological consequences of escalating. This study sought to examine a) the extent to which people escalate their commitment to a failing course of action in a sequential decision-making task, b) confidence and anger as psychological consequences of escalation of commitment, and c) the reciprocal relationship between escalation of commitment and confidence and anger. Participants were 110 undergraduate students who completed a (...)
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  7. Selective attention in early Dementia of Alzheimer Type.S. E. Black - unknown
    This study explored possible deficits in selective attention brought about by Dementia of Alzheimer Type (DAT). In three experiments, we tested patients with early DAT, healthy elderly, and young adults under low memory demands to assess perceptual filtering, conflict resolution, and set switching abilities. We found no evidence of impaired perceptual filtering nor evidence of impaired conflict resolution in early DAT. In contrast, early DAT patients did exhibit a global cost in set switching consistent with an inability to maintain (...)
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  8. Measurement and modeling of depth cue combination: In defense of weak fusion.M. S. Landy, L. T. Maloney, E. B. Johnston & M. Young - 1995 - Vision Research 35:389--412.
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    Narrative Symposium: Living Organ Donation.Laura Altobelli, Sherri Bauman, Janice Flynn, Andy Heath, Joseph Jacobs, Tim Joos, Amy K. Lewensten, Donna L. Luebke, Sarah A. McDaniel, Donald Olenick, Laurie E. Post & Vicky Young - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (1):7-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narrative Symposium:Living Organ DonationLaura Altobelli, Sherri Bauman, Janice Flynn, Andy Heath, Joseph Jacobs, Tim Joos, Amy K. Lewensten, Donna L. Luebke, Sarah A. McDaniel, Donald Olenick, Laurie E Post, Vicky Young, Blake Adams, Anonymous One, Michael Sauls, Christine Wright, Shannon D. Wyatt, and Cara Yesawich• An Altruistic Living Donor’s Story• Surgery for the Soul• Kidney Donation Story• The Essence of Giving—A Transplant Story• Love—the Risk Worth Taking• My (...)
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    “Many are the plans”: An analysis of goals described by youth ministry leaders.Tyler S. Greenway, Kara E. Powell, Lisa E. Hanle, Patrick E. Jacques & Sarah A. Schnitker - 2021 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 43 (3):253-268.
    This article examines the content and appraisals of youth ministry leader goals. Responses to an open-ended survey question by 378 leaders primarily working in the United States who held significant responsibility for the discipleship of high school-aged young people in their ministries were coded, resulting in 29 categories of goals. Participants named goals associated with service, relationships in general, relationships with God, biblical/gospel knowledge, and discipleship most frequently. Leaders rated each goal according to factors that contribute to goal achievement (...)
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  11. A critical theory of education: Habermas and our children's future.R. E. Young - 1989 - New York: Teachers College Press.
  12.  6
    Actualization of spiritual and moral values as a way to the health of young people.L. V. Udalova, S. E. Gorshkova, V. Yu Lebedev & L. Ya Meshcheryakova - forthcoming - Liberal Arts in Russia.
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  13. Rationality and the Ends of Humean Action.William E. Young - 1992 - Dissertation, University of Notre Dame
    Philosophical tradition sharply distinguishes the conditions under which belief and action are reasonable. This dissertation examines one attempt to sustain this division, namely, the Humean analysis of practical reasons. The Humean analysis divides practical reasons into end and means. The former concerns what one should pursue as goal. The latter, what one should do to realize one's ends. Humeans argue that end reasons are not subject to the conditions of reasonable belief. Since end reasons pick out what has value for (...)
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  14.  39
    The Nature of Embodied Distributed Cognition.Young E. Lee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 54:21-21.
    There has been a lot of strong evidence showing that human cognition works not in a central processing way but in a distributed way. As well known, human brain processes huge information in a parallel and distributed way. Recently cognitive scientists have contended that the minds are embodied in environment. These two ideas of distribution in cognition and embodiment in the mind can go along overall, but there is a tension between them in some specific respects, especially in the matter (...)
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  15. The Counter-Monument: Memory against Itself in Germany Today.James E. Young - 1992 - Critical Inquiry 18 (2):267-296.
    One of the contemporary results of Germany’s memorial conundrum is the rise of its “counter-monuments”: brazen, painfully self-conscious memorial spaces conceived to challenge the very premises of their being. On the former site of Hamburg’s greatest synagogue, at Bornplatz, Margrit Kahl has assembled an intricate mosaic tracing the complex lines of the synagogue’s roof construction: a palimpsest for a building and community that no longer exist. Norbert Radermacher bathes a guilty landscape in Berlin’s Neukölln neighborhood with the inscribed light of (...)
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  16.  20
    Shakespeare's Last Plays: Essays in Literature and Politics.John E. Alvis, Glenn C. Arbery, David N. Beauregard, Paul A. Cantor, John Freeh, Richard Harp, Peter Augustine Lawler, Mary P. Nichols, Nathan Schlueter, Gerard B. Wegemer & R. V. Young - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    What were Shakespeare's final thoughts on history, tragedy, and comedy? Shakespeare's Last Plays focuses much needed scholarly attention on Shakespeare's "Late Romances." The work--a collection of newly commissioned essays by leading scholars of classical political philosophy and literature--offers careful textual analysis of Pericles, Prince of Tyre, Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale, The Tempest, All is True, and The Two Noble Kinsmen. The essays reveal how Shakespeare's thought in these final works compliments, challenges, fulfills, or transforms previously held conceptions of the playwright (...)
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    A Selection of Thomas More's Political Epigrams.Carl E. Young - 2020 - Moreana 57 (2):202-228.
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    The Holocaust as Vicarious Past: Art Spiegelman's "Maus" and the Afterimages of History.James E. Young - 1998 - Critical Inquiry 24 (3):666-699.
  19.  38
    Can ‘Philosophy for Children’ Improve Primary School Attainment?Gorard Stephen, Siddiqui Nadia & S. E. E. Beng Huat - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (1):5-22.
    There are tensions within formal education between imparting knowledge and the development of skills for handling that knowledge. In the primary school sector, the latter can also be squeezed out of the curriculum by a focus on basic skills such as literacy and numeracy. What happens when an explicit attempt is made to develop young children's reasoning—both in terms of their apparent cognitive abilities and their basic skills? This paper reports an independent evaluation of an in-class intervention called ‘Philosophy (...)
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  20.  25
    ‘It’s Why Young People Choose to Come Here’: Professional Love and the Ethic of Care in UK Youth Work Practice.Martin E. Purcell - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (2):149-163.
    This paper extends the discourse on the importance of the relationship between practitioner and young person as a defining tenet of effective youth work practice, recognising the privileged position occupied by Youth Workers in the social ecology of the young people with whom they work. Reflecting the ethical obligations inherent in this relationship, particularly its focus on enhancing young people’s agency and developmental outcomes, the paper outlines how youth work practice infused with professional love aligns with conceptualizations (...)
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  21.  15
    The FDA's regulation of biotechnology: An activist approach.Henry I. Miller & Frank E. Young - 1988 - Bioessays 9 (5):178-179.
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    Entrepreneurial Learning and Deepak Chopra's Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.John E. Young - 2007 - Journal of Human Values 13 (1):13-22.
    This research examines the concept of entrepreneurial learning and relates it to Deepak Chopra's seven spiritual laws of success. The article first examines generic processes in motivating entrepreneurs to engage in self-directed learning projects on behalf of their businesses. Then it examines three modes of learning as they apply to practising entrepreneurs. Triple-loop learning is proposed as the deepest level of entrepreneurial learning. Triple-loop learners are considered the most likely entrepreneurs to practise the seven spiritual laws of success. Finally, each (...)
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    Planned introductions of engineered organisms: Wisdom from the U.S. National academy of sciences.Henry I. Miller & Frank E. Young - 1988 - Bioessays 8 (4):99-100.
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    Prohibition-Era Aristotelianism: Parisian Theologians and the Four Causes.Spencer E. Young - 2011 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 53:41 - 59.
    In this essay, I examine the reception and use of Aristotle’s four causes by twelfth- and thirteenth-century Latin Christian theologians, primarily at Paris. I pay special attention to the early thirteenth century, when Aristotle’s works on natural philosophy were officially prohibited in the French capital. By looking at a wide range of texts from both prominent and obscure theologians, I hope to contribute to an expanded view of the ways in which intellectuals in the Latin west received and appropriated Aristotle’s (...)
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  25. Toward a received history of the holocaust.James E. Young - 1997 - History and Theory 36 (4):21–43.
    In this article, I examine both the problem of so-called postmodern history as it relates to the Holocaust and suggest the ways that Saul Friedlander's recent work successfully mediates between the somewhat overly polemicized positions of "relativist" and "positivist" history. In this context, I find that in his search for an adequately self-reflexive historical narrative for the Holocaust, Hayden White's proposed notion of "middle-voicedness" may recommend itself more as a process for eyewitness writers than as a style for historians after (...)
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    The short- and long-term consequences of believing an illusion.Michael E. Young - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (5):677-678.
    The experience of free will has causal consequences, albeit not immediate ones. Although Wegner recognizes this, his model failed to incorporate this causal link. Is this experience central to “what makes us human”? A broad acceptance of Wegner's claim that free will is illusory has significant societal and religious consequences, therefore the threshold of evidence needs to be correspondingly high.
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    Magnifying Grains of Sand, Seeds, and Blades of Grass: Optical Effects in Robert Grosseteste’s De iride (On the Rainbow).Rebekah C. White, Giles E. M. Gasper, Tom C. B. McLeish, Brian K. Tanner, Joshua S. Harvey, Sigbjørn O. Sønnesyn, Laura K. Young & Hannah E. Smithson - 2021 - Isis 112 (1):93-107.
  28.  74
    The Logic of Religious Thought: An Answer to Professor Eddington. By R. Gordon Milburn. (London: Williams & Norgate. 1929. Pp. 165. Price 6s.)Essays in Christian Philosophy. By Leonard Hodgson, M.A., D.C.L. (London: Longman's Green & Co. 1930. Pp. vi. + 175. Price 9s.)Man and The Image of God. By Hubert M. Foston, D.Lit. (London: Macmillan & Co. 1930. Pp. 228. Price 7s. 6d.)Immortability: An Old Man's Conclusions. By S. D. McConnell, D.D., LL.D., D.C.L. (London and New York: The Macmillan Co. 1930. Pp. 178. Price 6s. 6d.)The Soul Comes Back. By Joseph Herschel Coffin, Ph.D. (New York: The Macmillan Co. 1929. Pp. 207).Nature Cosmic, and Human and Divine. By James Young Simpson. (London: Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford. 1929. Pp. ix. + 157. Price 6s.).The Present and Future of Religion. By C. E. M. Joad. (London: Ernest Benn, Ltd. 1930. Pp. 224. Price 10s. 6d.). [REVIEW]E. S. Waterhouse - 1930 - Philosophy 5 (20):647-.
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    Lineage‐specific genomics: Frequent birth and death in the human genome.Robert S. Young - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (7):654-663.
    Frequent evolutionary birth and death events have created a large quantity of biologically important, lineage‐specific DNA within mammalian genomes. The birth and death of DNA sequences is so frequent that the total number of these insertions and deletions in the human population remains unknown, although there are differences between these groups, e.g. transposable elements contribute predominantly to sequence insertion. Functional turnover – where the activity of a locus is specific to one lineage, but the underlying DNA remains conserved – can (...)
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  30.  19
    Striver·ish: Young Strivers and the Formation of Ethical Narratives.Garry S. Mitchell & Cara E. Furman - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (6):665-670.
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    Ethical practice in internet research involving vulnerable people: lessons from a self-harm discussion forum study (SharpTalk).S. Sharkey, R. Jones, J. Smithson, E. Hewis, T. Emmens, T. Ford & C. Owens - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (12):752-758.
    The internet is widely used for health information and support, often by vulnerable people. Internet-based research raises both familiar and new ethical problems for researchers and ethics committees. While guidelines for internet-based research are available, it is unclear to what extent ethics committees use these. Experience of gaining research ethics approval for a UK study (SharpTalk), involving internet-based discussion groups with young people who self-harm and health professionals is described. During ethical review, unsurprisingly, concerns were raised about the vulnerability (...)
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    A single session of exercise increases connectivity in sensorimotor-related brain networks: a resting-state fMRI study in young healthy adults.Ahmad S. Rajab, David E. Crane, Laura E. Middleton, Andrew D. Robertson, Michelle Hampson & Bradley J. MacIntosh - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Pós-F: para além do masculino e do feminino.Fernanda Young - 2018 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Leya.
    Em sua primeira obra de não ficção, Fernanda Young se insere no acalorado debate sobre o que significa ser homem e ser mulher hoje. Em textos autobiográficos, ela se revela como uma das tantas personagens femininas às quais deu voz, sempre independentes e a quem a inadequação é um sentimento intrínseco. E esse constante deslocamento faz com que Fernanda seja capaz de observar o feminino e o masculino em todas as suas potencialidades. É daí que surge o 'Pós-F', pós-feminismo (...)
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    The Emergence, Variation, and Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Public Sphere, 1980–2004: The Exposure of Firms to Public Debate. [REVIEW]Sun Young Lee & Craig E. Carroll - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (1):115-131.
    This study examined the emergence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a public issue over 25 years using a content analysis of two national news- papers and seven regional, geographically-dispersed newspapers in the U.S. The present study adopted a comprehensive definition encompassing all four CSR dimensions: economic, ethical, legal, and philanthropic. This study examined newspaper editorials, letters to the editor, op-ed columns, news analyses, and guest columns for three aspects: media attention, media prominence, and media valence. Results showed an increase (...)
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    Surrogate consent for dementia research: factors influencing five stakeholder groups from the SCORES study.G. Bravo, S. Y. Kim, M. F. Dubois, C. A. Cohen, S. M. Wildeman & J. E. Graham - 2013 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 35 (4):1-11.
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    Psychological and Demographic Predictors of Vaping and Vaping Susceptibility in Young Adults.Grace E. Teah & Tamlin S. Conner - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundThe use of electronic nicotine delivery systems, also known as vaping, is becoming popular among young adults. Few studies have explored the psychological factors that predict ENDS use and susceptibility in young adults, in addition to known demographic predictors.MethodIn a cross-sectional survey design, 521 young adults, ages 18–25 from the United States, were recruited via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk in 2019, to answer an online survey measuring demographic characteristics and psychological characteristics related to mental health and the Big (...)
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    Variations in psychological measurements associated with increased vitamin B complex feeding in young children.E. R. Balken & S. Maurer - 1934 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 17 (1):85.
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  38. Book reviews. [REVIEW]Roderick M. Chisholm, John Corcoran, Jorge Gracia, L. S. Carrier, T. N. Pelegrinis, Alfred L. Ivry, D. S. Clarke, Leo Rauch, Robert Young, Michael J. Loux, Rita Nolan, Gerald Vision, E. D. Klemke, Ruth Anna Putnam, Edward S. Reed, Maurice Mandelbaum, John Wettersten & Rachel Shihor - 1983 - Philosophia 13 (1-2):359-362.
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  39. On development of functional brain connectivity in the young brain.G. E. Anna-Jasmijn Hoff, M. P. Van den Heuvel, Manon J. N. L. Benders, Karina J. Kersbergen & L. S. De Vries - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Language as a cause‐effect communication system.E. S. Savage‐Rumbaugh - 1990 - Philosophical Psychology 3 (1):55-76.
    Abstract Christopher Gauker has argued that a cause?effect analysis of the acquisition of communication skills in chimpanzees is adequate to describe the data reported in our work at the Language Research Center. I agree that the cause?effect approach to language function is the only viable method of analyzing language. Language must be studied as a process that functions to organize behavior between two or more individuals. However, the problem of language understanding is not addressed satisfactorily by the perspective offered by (...)
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    The Oxytocin Receptor Gene Variant rs53576 Is Not Related to Emotional Traits or States in Young Adults.Tamlin S. Conner, Karma G. McFarlane, Maria Choukri, Benjamin C. Riordan, Jayde A. M. Flett, Amanda J. Phipps-Green, Ruth K. Topless, Marilyn E. Merriman & Tony R. Merriman - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Language and the development of spatial reasoning.Anna Shusterman & E. S. Spelke - 2005 - In Peter Carruthers, Stephen Laurence & Stephen P. Stich (eds.), The Innate Mind: Structure and Contents. New York, US: Oxford University Press on Demand. pp. 89--106.
    This chapter argues that human and animal minds indeed depend on a collection of domain-specific, task-specific, and encapsulated cognitive systems: on a set of cognitive ‘modules’ in Fodor's sense. It also argues that human and animal minds are endowed with domain-general, central systems that orchestrate the information delivered by core knowledge systems. The chapter begins by reviewing the literature on spatial reorientation in animals and in young children, arguing that spatial reorientation bears the hallmarks of core knowledge and of (...)
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  43. Symbolic arithmetic knowledge without instruction.Camilla K. Gilmore, Shannon E. McCarthy & Elizabeth S. Spelke - unknown
    Symbolic arithmetic is fundamental to science, technology and economics, but its acquisition by children typically requires years of effort, instruction and drill1,2. When adults perform mental arithmetic, they activate nonsymbolic, approximate number representations3,4, and their performance suffers if this nonsymbolic system is impaired5. Nonsymbolic number representations also allow adults, children, and even infants to add or subtract pairs of dot arrays and to compare the resulting sum or difference to a third array, provided that only approximate accuracy is required6–10. Here (...)
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    The acceptability among young Hindus and Muslims of actively ending the lives of newborns with genetic defects.P. C. Sorum, R. Ahmed, S. Kamble & E. Mullet - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (3):186-191.
    Aim To explore the views in non-Western cultures about ending the lives of damaged newborns.Method 254 university students from India and 150 from Kuwait rated the acceptability of ending the lives of newborns with genetic defects in 54 vignettes consisting of all combinations of four factors: gestational age ; severity of genetic defect ; the parents’ attitude about prolonging care ; and the procedure used .Results Four clusters were identified by cluster analysis and subjected to analysis of variance. Cluster I, (...)
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    Alzheimer's in 3D culture: Challenges and perspectives.Carla D'Avanzo, Jenna Aronson, Young Hye Kim, Se Hoon Choi, Rudolph E. Tanzi & Doo Yeon Kim - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (10):1139-1148.
    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia, and there is currently no cure. The “β‐amyloid cascade hypothesis” of AD is the basis of current understanding of AD pathogenesis and drug discovery. However, no AD models have fully validated this hypothesis. We recently developed a human stem cell culture model of AD by cultivating genetically modified human neural stem cells in a three‐dimensional (3D) cell culture system. These cells were able to recapitulate key events of AD pathology including (...)
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    Art and Education : An Examination of E. W. Eisner's Curriculum Model.Young Tae Cho - 2009 - The Journal of Moral Education 21 (1):31.
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    What's different in speed/accuracy trade-offs in young and elderly subjects.George E. Stelmach & Jerry R. Thomas - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):321-321.
    We question whether Plamondon & Alimi's model is useful in accounting for the nonsymmetrical and multiple-peaked velocity profiles observed in young and elderly subjects for ballistic aiming tasks. For these subjects, both data and observation suggest that a central representation initiates the movement in an appropriate direction but that multiple adjustments are made, both early and late, to achieve spatial accuracy.
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    Young Writer's Prize Nurturing tomorrow's researchers in Physics and Materials Science.E. A. Davis - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (36):4223-4223.
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    Are measures of life satisfaction linked to admiration for celebrities?Mara S. Aruguete, Ho Huynh, Lynn E. McCutcheon, Blaine L. Browne, Bethany Jurs & Emilia Flint - 2019 - Mind and Society 18 (1):1-11.
    A pattern of research findings indicates that excessive devotion to a favorite celebrity is linked to attitudes and behaviors that are psychologically unhealthy and may predict low life satisfaction. This study examines whether four common measures of life satisfaction predict admiration for celebrities in two university samples and one community sample of young adults. Our results showed significant correlations between celebrity admiration and two measures of life satisfaction. We also found that the predictors of life satisfaction correlate with each (...)
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    Emancipative Islamic theology and Hifz Al-Din: Muslim youth resistance against shamanism.Hasnah Nasution, Muhammad S. A. Nasution, Wulan Dayu, Hasan Matsum, Ahmad Tamami & Imam E. Islamy - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    The resistance of Muslims to shamanism began when lies of the shamans were exposed on social media. Many shamans practise fraud under the guise of religion. Magical objects such as luminous daggers or stones that emit smoke, used by shamans as occult actors are also known to be objects of magic tricks that are sold freely and can be used by anyone. Scholars also continuously preach that Muslims’ belief in shamans is forbidden. Therefore, Muslims in Indonesia fear that believing in (...)
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